Monday, November 19, 2012

Staying on Track

Keeping Students on Track
     Mid-quarter grades will be coming out again in a couple of weeks.  With the weather turning cold, the days getting shorter and with Christmas break on the horizon, it is the time of year when it will be increasingly difficult to keep our students on track and on task.  Staying on top of what your son is doing in each of his classes is important as we continue our journey along the 2012-13 way.
     I would like to offer a few suggestions on how to keep the conversation going with your son about what he is learning and how he is achieving.  Following are some strategies for helping make this happen.
  1. Daily, ask about what your son is finding most exciting about his learning and focus more on interesting ideas and less on actual grades.
  2. Inquire about what was the most exciting part of his day.
  3. Ask about his reading and what he is finding most exciting about the current book he is reading for START time.
  4. Ask about his feelings toward school and what they like most about their learning.
  5. Make sure your son gets plenty of sleep (9+ hrs.)
  6. Build in a daily study time for his studies.  I would recommend that this be a period of 90 minutes where any time not used for homework can be used for reading.
  7. Be sure monitor progress on his "STAR" incentive sheet.
  8. Keep his attitude positive about his experiences at St. Mary's International School.
     Although difficult, this can be the most learning-filled time of the academic year.  The newness of the year is over, routines have been set, friends have been made and increased skills are evident.  Let's all continue to work together to making this a year of significant growth and learning for your son.  In the end, it is all about attitude and the attitude your son brings to school each day.
     Thanks for your continued support for what we are doing at the St. Mary's Middle School.

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