Friday, January 4, 2013

A True Student/Athlete/Inspiration

A Luther College Legend:
This is a very sad but inspiring story about a young woman, Johanna Olson, who died yesterday.  She not only was a NCAA III champion in cross country but she did it after battling cancer.  She established a tradition of excellence and for beating the odds that continues on today within a cross country that truly defines what it means to be a student/athlete.  Johanna's spirit will continue to live on within the many lives of the hundreds of lives she inspired.  Read her incredible blog at:

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I trust that your New Year is off to a great start!  Hard to believe that classes will begin again at St. Mary's International Middle School on Monday, January 7 and I am hoping that your son is looking forward to getting back in their school routines.
One of the frequent conversations I have had with parents and teachers during the first semester was about how to handle all of the issues surrounding the fast changing world of technology and how to manage this aspect and this reality of your sons being born as digital natives.  I found the resource linked on the sidebar of resources on this blog as a particularly good one for shedding some light and for providing some direction for these complex issues.  The "Family Media Agreements" link (linked to the title of this entry) for middle school parents was a particularly good one for beginning a discussion with your sons about the importance of being smart and about being safe regarding the use of media.
I am looking forward to getting going again on Monday and to continue with the good things going on in the middle school at St. Mary's International School.  I am hoping that the photography contest has generated some good images to be shared about students' holiday experiences and that everyone is motivated to wrap up the first semester on a positive note. 
Enjoy your last few days of the holidays.